
Day 84

The public Library of New South Wales has a beach look!Trine and I in Royal Botanic Garden

Surry Hills


Day 82

A wonderful surprice arrived from my family!


Day 81

Rike, Kevin, Anna and Trine in our 

At Corridor in NewTown with  my German friend Rike


Day 80

Goodbye dinner with Regitse and Malene at our rooftop

Trine and I make a good couple, don't we?


Day 79

The official welcome at UTS was quite an experience!

Aboriginal dance and music

The girls and I went to the popular crab race at night and lost:( Better luck next time!


Day 78

Trine and I found a German bakery called Lüneburger that makes dark rye bread the way we like it (8$), so happy!!! 

We walked to The Rocks Weekend Market and met up with Regitse and Malene

Paddy's Market