I booked a kayaking adventure in Milford Sound that I was excited about when I got up at 6 AM. Unfortunately it turned out that there was a big rainforest storm when I opened my door at the lodge! The kayaking was therefore cancelled and the main road out of there was closed due to rocks, water etc. Instead a guy from the kayaking company invited a girl named Duna from Barcelona and me on a drive to explore the heavy rainfall. He was really excited about the weather because it completely changes the area and creates thousands of new waterfalls.
One of the cruise ships decided to take the risk and sail in the storm, which for the ones that dared being sea sick should be an exceptional experience. I boarded the boat together with a couple from California: Kim and Taren. We didn’t regret that decision!
After playing cards in the lodge the main road opened and Kim, Taren, Noel (an English guy from the lodge) and me drove back to Queenstown.
We had a great road trip and decided to go out for the famous Ferg Burgers and beers later on. Taren even decided to go for a swim in the harbour to save Noel’s camera case - well done :)